About Me

Howdy! I'm Gravity cat, a student from Taiwan.

About This Site

Welcome to my page! Here, I’ll document and share my projects and interests. I hope you find something intriguing!

You might notice that this site features content in both English and Chinese. These languages are my primary ones in daily online life. Chinese is my native language and easy for me to write in, while using English helps me stay familiar with it.

This site is built with hugo using the Stack theme and is hosted on Cloudflare Pages.

About Me

I’m a student from Taiwan with a passion for creating cool things. Below are some aspects of who I am. I hope this helps you get to know me better!

I’m friendly!

With an outgoing personality, I’m always eager to make new friends! Online, I’m mostly active on Facebook (only for friends), VRChat (a kind of metaverse), and Twitter (please follow me!).

My passions

I’m enthusiastic about content creation, including media translation, video and image editing, novel writing, and programming. Creating and sharing things I enjoy with others brings me joy, which is why I built this site.

Why I often use English

If you’re one of my Taiwanese friends, don’t worry! As mentioned earlier, my native language is Chinese. I write and speak in English to practice and improve my skills.

I mostly learned English from the internet, through watching videos and movies, reading articles, and chatting with friends from various countries. For me, English has become an integral part of my daily life.

I’m a calico cat! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Meow uwu.

About My Hobbies

I have a diverse range of hobbies, and working on different projects helps me grow and develop. I hope to use the skills I’ve gained in various ways in the future.


As a self-taught developer, I mainly learn new tools through online courses and official documentation. I’ve learned Arduino, Unity, Windows Forms, Python development, and web development.

I began learning and developing computer programs in junior high, starting with an Arduino project for my music class. After discovering my interest, I joined my junior high’s Unity game development club.

Three years later, I became a member of the Computer Software Design Club at National Hsinchu Senior High School, eventually serving as its vice president and teaching other club members.

In addition to school clubs, I’ve participated in various events like 2022 中部電資寒訓 - 窩不資到 (as vice coordinator), SITCON 2022, and other computer science-related events.

Also, check out my GitHub!

Media translating

If you follow my Twitter, you might know that I translate comics.

Sharing the things I enjoy is a passion of mine. My language skills enable me to translate content for others to enjoy, always with the creator’s permission. I post my translations on my account or the creator’s account for free.

I hope to contribute to the community by dedicating myself to translation work and helping everyone enjoy quality content in their native language. I want to clarify that I have obtained copyright permission for all my translations and never publish copyrighted content without permission.

Photography & video editing, novel writing, and more!

In addition to programming and media translation, I dabble in photo and video editing, novel writing, and other creative pursuits.

For instance, I was the videographer and editor for our school history project, 白色.現代.我們, a historical documentary my teammates and I produced together.

Regarding literature, I’ve been writing novels since junior high. I capture my ideas on paper and polish them into digital files. If you’re interested in my work, please visit my pixiv!

That’s all for now, but my journey continues! I’ll keep exploring and learning new things!

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

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