TOEIC? More Like Totally-With-Ease!

How I Achieved the Score of 930 Without Studying

A Passion for Language

My journey to achieving 930 score on the TOEIC test began long before I even knew what the test was. From a young age, I had a deep-rooted passion for both reading and storytelling. This love for language would eventually lead me to explore the realm of English-language comics and novels.

Diving into Translations

My fascination with English literature prompted me to start translating these works into my native language. With each comic and novel I translated, my knowledge of English vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions grew exponentially. This immersive approach allowed me to learn the intricacies of the English language in a fun and engaging way, making it seem less like studying and more like a fulfilling hobby.

The Virtual World of Language Learning

As my proficiency in English improved, I discovered VRChat, a metaverse social platform where people from all around the world come together to communicate using English as their common language. Eager to practice my newly acquired skills, I dove headfirst into the world of VRChat, where I would spend countless hours conversing with native English speakers and other fun people.

The Unintentional Preparation

As my expertise in English grew, I decided to challenge myself further by taking the TOEIC test. To my surprise, I found that I didn’t need to study specifically for the exam! My extensive vocabulary, honed through translating novels, proved invaluable in the reading section. Meanwhile, the countless hours spent conversing with native speakers on VRChat had gifted me with exceptional listening skills.

The Unexpected Triumph

When the time came for me to take the TOEIC test, I was completely unaware of the impact my unconventional learning methods would have on my score. But as I completed the test, I knew that my unique approach to learning had paid off, and my score of 930 was a testament to the effectiveness of pursuing one’s passions as a means of learning.

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